The final stage is ... the silence! … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

The final stage is ... the silence! … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

Don’t like what you see around you?!

Don’t like how they treat you?!

Want to change all these ... but you see that anything you should do is useless ... cause you have no chance of really changing the reality?!

You are wasting your energy ... and all you succeed is ... lose your temper all the time.

But one day ... you just realize that the energy field where you live ... that environment of your reality is just the way it is ... and can’t be defined by your energies.

You’ve got no power of influencing what is going on.

The funny thing is that you become stubborn... and you still try and try and try.

And ... no result.

Or maybe i should say that the only result is that you lose your temper.

The path of the energies are remaining the same ... and you have no clue why this is happening to you.

Well ... even if you read so many books ... you realize that no one ever bothered to write that there are only 2 major ways of living in the world.

One is ... when you are so powerful energetically that no matter where you are ... even in an area with very intense negative energies ... like a prison, a hospital etc etc ... you influence them sending powerful positive vibes to all the ones around.


That is .. for example ... the power of a guru.

But for the rest of us ... the path of spiritual evolution is totally different ... and the scenario is just not the same as for the guru.

Changing the frequency ... being in a different spiritual level you just don’t feel comfortable in a reality defined by the others ... by their energies.

Being too many people ... are stronger than you ... which i believe is natural.

And again the path is splitted in another 2 options.

One is to stay with them just like you did it till now ... cause all those people from your life might be the brother, the wife, the sister, the son, the sister in law, a parent, the colleague from work etc etc ... people that are difficult to just remove from your life.

The other option ... of course unless you are a guru and you can simply embrace your reality ... is to start practicing the solitude ... and the silence.

You can still be there ... but actually ignore them ... by staying only in your inner world ... in your own energy field ... defined by the new spiritual level where you are now.

So ... in the end ... the final stage to survive in a world that you don’t like so much ... but on the other hand you can’t change it ... is just practice ... the silence.

Being present ... but absent in the same time.




Download the book ”Behind the abstract ... there is always a messagewritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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